Home Depository of Links Depository of Quotes


These are just a few of my favorite links. The first three are incredible. I'll periodically change some of the others. There are so many good sites out there. I have also placed some quotations to think about throughout the web site. I change those from time to time and collect the old ones in a depository. Enjoy! 

"When regard for the truth has been broken down or even slightly weakened, all things will remain doubtful."  St. Augustine

"If we had no winter, the spring would not be so pleasant: if we
did not sometimes taste of adversity, prosperity would not be so
welcome." --Anne Bradstreet

The Links

The Drudge Report      (This site has some of the best links around to track the news. AP/Reuters/UPI/etc.)

Live Radio on the Internet      (Great site! Listen to radio stations from all over the world. Be sure to click on the "Listen Now" hyperlink to activate the station. Clicking on the station name will take you to the station's website.)

The American Journalism Review's Newslink     (Links to newspapers, magazines, and newswires from all over the U.S. and the world.  My link goes to the newspapers, but you can easily navigate to the other resources.)

DialPad    (This web site has a Java-based applet that allows you to make calls over the Internet for free. You must register with them, fill out a survey, etc. This technology is continuously improving.)

THOMAS -- U.S. Congress on the Internet  (Find out how they voted...and what the legislation really says.)

The Library of Congress   (Good reference source for research.)

Local Yahoo! for Chicago   I use this as the home page for my browser to keep current what's up.. 

US State Department - Services - Travel Warnings & Consular Information Sheets     (For the traveler)

Roll Call Online      (This is the magazine of Congress. An interesting read.)


"If we are going to set policy and run the country on opinion polls, how
about asking us if we still want an income tax." --Anonymous <g>



                                 WHAT HAPPENED? 

Let's see.... I think it started when Madalyn Murray O'Hair complained
that she didn't want any prayer in our schools, and we said OK.

Then someone said, you had better not read the Bible in school - - the
Bible that says thou shalt not kill, thou shalt not steal, and love
your neighbor as yourself. And we said, OK.

Dr. Benjamin Spock said that we shouldn't spank our children when they
misbehave because their little personalities would be warped and we
might damage their self-esteem. And we said, an expert should know
what he's talking about, so we won't spank them anymore.

Then someone said that teachers and principals better not discipline
our children when they misbehave. And the school administrators said,
no faculty member in this school better touch a student when they
misbehave because we don't want any bad publicity, and we surely don't
want to be sued. And we accepted their reasoning.

Then someone said, let's let our daughters have abortions if they
want, and they won't even have to tell their parents. And we said,
that's a grand idea.

Then some wise school board member said, since boys will be boys and
they're going to "do it" anyway, let's give our sons all the condoms
they want, so they can have all the "fun" they desire, and we won't
have to tell their parents they got them at school. And we said,
that's another great idea.

And then some of our top elected official said that it doesn't matter
what we do in private as long as we do our jobs. And agreeing with
them, we said that it doesn't matter to me what anyone, including the
President, does in private as long as I have a job and the economy is

And then someone said, let's promote the sexual exploitation of women
in print and on the Internet, and call it art. And we said they're
entitled to their free speech.

And someone else took that appreciation a step further and said let's
promote the sexual exploitation of children and use the powerful
homosexual lobby to legitimize such abuse. 
And we said, we must be tolerant of diversity.

And the entertainment industry said, let's make TV shows and movies
that promote the most evil attributes of our humanity. Let's record
music that encourages rape, drugs, murder, suicide, and satanic
themes. And we said, give us more.

Now we're asking ourselves why so many of our nation's young have no
conscience, why they don't know right from wrong, and why it doesn't
bother them to kill strangers, their classmates, and themselves.

If we contemplate this question vigorously, we might determine the

                                                     From a retired Navy chaplain